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Covid … what a fuck up that has been!
The last 15 or so months have been a bit of a nightmare, the pandemic has affected all of us and every aspect of our lives in very different ways. But this isn’t a competition of who has had it worse … we have all had shit to deal with.
And for me, part of that has been not being able to host any sessions. So I’ve had some time off and away from Twitter and the website etc.
I am pleased to say I’ve now been Astra-Zenica jabbed up, and the rules and restrictions we have been living under are slowly easing.
So I wanted to come back here and just do a quick update as I get ready to welcome y’all back into the dungeon.
I am now taking bookings for sessions am pleased to say that many of you have already booked in for which I am really grateful
If you are looking for a session, I have very limited spaces in the next few weeks, but later on and into July there is plenty of availability. I am limiting myself initially to one session a day and all bookings will require a £50 deposit.
And don’t forget if you pay the full amount as deposit you save 10% as a thankyou from me.
To celebrate getting back into the dungeon I have treated myself to some new leathers which will be here shortly, and this beautiful new Muir cap from Spexter in Germany along with these custom wrist cuffs from Bod leather.
So, after over a year of lockdown and frustrations it would be great to see you, and hopefully some new faces too. One thing this past year has taught many of us is that you never know what is around the corner.
And to that end I am here to help fulfil your fantasies, kinks and interests.
Until then … be seeing you.